What Can ASmartMoves Physiotherapist Do For You? Physiotherapists are highly qualified professionals that can help you get the most of life. We assess and treat a wide range of conditions including:Back PainNeck PainHeadachesSports InjuriesOsteoarthritisChild and Adolescent specific conditionsTendinopathy (formerly tendinitis)Knee PainFoot and Ankle PainShoulder PainWrist, Elbow and Hand PainHip and Groin PainMuscle sorenessPost Surgical RehabilitationChronic PainWork InjuriesWe can also help with:Fibreglass castsCAM Walker Boot (Moonboots)Movement, posture, and sporting techniqueGeneral Strength and Conditioning ProgramsPre-surgery ExerciseRunning Assessment and Training ProgramsPain Management Workplace Setup/Ergonomics About your appointment book online